Looking for Facial Dermal Fillers and Injectables in Boerne, San Antonio Area?

Schedule with us: Cibolo Creek Dermatology Group

nurse injects filler into womans face
Dermal fillers can be incredibly effective for enhancing lost facial volume and reducing the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles due to aging. Cibolo Creek Dermatology Group of Boerne offers these treatments to their patients in Boerne, San Antonio and the Texas Hill Country area.

What Dermal Fillers & Injectables Do You Have Available?

Cibolo Creek Dermatology Group offers neuromodulators like BOTOX® and DYSPORT®, as well as popular dermal fillers such as JUVEDERM®, RESTYLANE®, and VERSA™. Finally, we also offer other injectable treatments such as KYBELLA® and SCULPTRA®.


A neuromodulator is an injectable drug that relaxes and softens the skin by restricting facial muscles from contracting. The effects of this can be reduced or erased wrinkles, decreased oil production and facial contouring to provide a younger, refreshed appearance.


Dermal fillers are an injectable treatment, that safely plump the skin to produce instant results. They are designed to enhance or restore volume in the face, leaving zero-downtime for the treatments.


the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve your profile.

Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen for results that can last up to two years.

How Much Do Dermal Fillers & Injectables Cost?

Your treatment at Cibolo Creek Dermatology Group will depend on a number of factors. During your consultation, we will discuss your goals to determine the approach to your treatment that will work best for you. Some patients may need multiple sessions. We will consider these and other factors in order to provide you with the full cost of your treatment during your consultation. To make this and other services more affordable, we are proud to offer financing.