Dermatology FAQs
We specialize in dermatological surgeries and treatments only, and unfortunately do not perform cosmetic surgeries. However, we are able to perform cosmetic treatments, including injections and treatments.
Yes. Most treatments and surgical procedures done in the office are covered by insurance plans. We will confirm acceptance at the time of your appointment.
If you spot anything that may appear to be abnormal on your skin, whether it’s the development of a new spot, rash or bump, you should have it examined by a certified dermatologist as soon as possible. Better than anyone, you know your body and should know when something isn’t right.
Unless you notice a change in the shape or color, every two to three years is good.
While many people have the impression that a tan contributes to having an attractive appearance, it is actually a visible sign of skin damage. Caused by ultraviolet exposure, tanning will increase your risk of developing skin cancer. Cibolo Creek Dermatology Group offers certified and professional dermatology advice and how you can prevent skin damage.
Only when a PA or NP has trained under the super vision of a dermatologist for an extensive period of time is it recommended to have them evaluate the condition of your skin’s health.
It is highly advised that you should NOT pop or squeeze a pimple. The popping or squeezing of a pimple could lead to the spreading of bacteria and potentially result in scarring.
A dermatologist is a medical physician who specializes in treating and diagnosing conditions of the skin. A certified dermatologist will have completed four years of medical school, one year of an internship and three years of specialized training.
Contact Dermatitis is an infectious skin disease that results in red, itchy and flaky skin that could actually lead to blisters occurring. There are two forms of contact dermatitis: allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. Unfortunately, both types of contact dermatitis cannot be cured, however, there are numerous treatment options available where Cibolo Creek Dermatology Group can help you manage the symptoms.